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can ghost shrimp live with bettas

//can ghost shrimp live with bettas

Bettas are after all carnivorous fish that like to hunt their prey. Ghost shrimp are typically sold as live food for large fish, but can become a good tank mate in your betta aquarium. As a good rule of thumb, don’t put ghost shrimp in the same tank as larger fish that feed off live food and are big enough to consume the shrimp. If you want more variety and color with the added bonus of algae maintenance, you can add shrimp to your tank. In general, your Betta will leave ghost shrimp alone. Cherry shrimp are slightly smaller than ghost shrimp only growing to about 1.6″ in length but they can live for up to 2 years. About Us; Location; Wildlife on the St. Croix this tank i picked up at petsmart. They tend to keep to themselves but will have no trouble hiding if they need be. An appropriate tank setup is necessary to keep both species in an aquarium peacefully. Betta fish are native to tropical waters in South-East Asia, specifically Thailand and Northern Vietnam. A betta needs at least 3 gallons. Shrimp and Betta can live together peacefully. Keeping male and female Bettas together for mating purposes is possible, but you’ll have to closely monitor your tank under these circumstances. However, when you’re putting them together you should use a 10-gallon tank. It has 2 female bettas and 2 ghost shrimp. Can baby bettas live with ghost shrimp? Then I added the fish and shrimp 11 days ago. I paid 36 cents a piece. The short answer is yes, but in reality there are some snails that aren’t suitable. Can a ghost shrimp live peacefully with female bettas? My betta can only live with nerite snails, because she is too outgoing. The shrimp are almost transparent which can also clean up algae in your tank. Ghost shrimp do not disturb other fish, so they may live together. the beta will do fine without a filter with the fiishy lungs they have. Can snails live with betta fish? ghost shrimp… You can also have ghost shrimps or red cherry shrimps but they may seem tempting to eat for your betta fish. i have a 2.5 gallon tank with 2 plants and a small filter. All these can live calmly with your betta despite betta's aggressive nature. He needs place to swim. He needs a filter and a heater. 1 decade ago. My male betta got along with a baby betta for a while, so he seems to be pretty docile and non-territorial. Ian. I had the snail first and he was cruising around for about a month - very healthy and happy. The area is relatively warm and wet, as the rainfall can vary from very rainy during the … This is what many fish keepers call a "betta sorority". Ghost Shrimp aka Glass Shrimp (multiple Palaemonidae species) Small ½ to 2-inch long freshwater shrimp with a clear carapace you can see straight through! Ghost Shrimp And Bettas. . Menu Home; About Us. I was thinking either a cherry shrimp or a couple ghost shrimp to keep my tank clean. Ghost shrimp behavior. Maybe Red Cherry Shrimp? Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 11 of 11 Posts. It seems reasonable to think that the Betta would attack the shrimp because these fish eat meat. I've looked intensively online for an answer to this question, and found nothing that helps me. Hi I have a full grown betta in a bowl and would like to move it into a bigger tank. I have heard that Ghost Shrimp can do well with many Betta Fish, but I just find that they're not very pretty. You’d probably want to avoid adding more than 2 or 3 shrimp to a small betta tank. 3. will my betta EAT the shrimp? If your fish turns on them, you can leave them in the tank as food. 2 0. Ghost shrimp aren’t as exciting as red cherry shrimp, but do grow to a larger size (2 inches), meaning your betta isn’t likely to pick them up as a meal. Make sure you don’t pick the ones that are small enough for the Bettas to eat, instead pick the larger ones, and they’ll be safe. I just added some ghost shrimp with one of my bettas, he doesnt seem to mind them, i dont really think he can see them though, they blend in with my substrate lol, but i just put everyone in cups to do water changes, and the betta who shares a section of one of my tanks is actually sharing his cup with the shrimp right now and doesnt mind them, But EVERY betta is different The ghost shrimp are very affordable, and if your betta eats them, then they are a nice meal for them. Betta can survvie in some pretty poor condtions, but it doesn't mean they enjoy it. Ive added a few things to it as well. A 1 gallon does not have enough space to add one. Ghost Shrimp are some of the best species of shrimp to start with if you’re still trying to figure out the nature of your bettas and how they will behave towards other fish. However, it is crucial for you to remember that this factor solely depends on the temperament of your betta. Taylor O . People have asked specifically whether or not to house betta fish and ghost shrimp together, but the only fear anyone seems to harbor is the fear of an aggressive male betta eating the shrimp because it doesn't want it in its territory. The adult Cherry Shrimp and the Ghost Shrimp make ideal tank mates for your Bettas. People have always asked me if Betta fish and shrimp can live together peacefully. They’ll immediately go after your precious shrimp, so keep the tank as peaceful as possible. Yes. However, many hobbyists report that some shrimp species, such as the Ghost Shrimp, the Cherry, and the Amano Shrimp make good tank mates for their Betta fish. As previously mentioned, while cherry shrimp and bettas can live on their own in 5-gallon tanks. Ghost Shrimp are see-through Invertebrate that shouldn’t have trouble living with most Bettas. I have a 10 gallon tank and 1 very peaceful male betta that is very active and won't even flare at its own reflection. The ghost shrimp possibly though not happily. Ether a 3 gallon or 5 gallon and was wondering if it could live with any of these. Although there is never any guarantee that any two types of fish will get along with each other, the following is a comprehensive list of aquatics that are compatible with betta fish and recommended for a betta community tank. I think the adult shrimp will definitely be ok with a betta, but you will need to provide lots of hiding and vegetation for juvenile shrimp. Nonetheless, it is significant to keep in mind that it depends on your Betta fish temper. can a ghost shrimp live with my betta? Can Ghost Shrimp Live with Betta Fish? A 10-gallon tank will make your betta feel less territorial. Ghost shrimp are a pretty underrated addition to the aquarium and can be as exciting as watching a fish move around. What Shrimp Can Live With Betta Fish? However, there is still a fair chance that your Betta leaves her alone. And in that tank currently has three large amazon swords, a java fern, two types of anubias, two sponge filters, and of course, some ghost shrimp. A 1 gallon is too little space. Lastly, they like temperatures between 72-78°F and a pH between 7.0 – 7.8. I've heard that ghost shrimp like the temperature around 76-77, so I would have to turn the heater down from it's current temp of 80. And certainly not both. There isn't much that could live in a 5.5 gallon that wouldn't see shrimp as food that I can think of at the moment. Since then, the snail has been hiding in his shell (little movement, antennae tucked in) even though the fish seems to ignore him. Since they are so cheap and easy to breed, they are often used as feeder fish for larger species in the home aquarium, and as a result are often kept in high densities with poor filtration. There isn't much that could live in a 5.5 gallon that wouldn't see shrimp as food that I can think of at the moment. I also have red cherry shrimp so I was surprised by how much bigger ghost shrimp are. Provide plenty of hiding places for the shrimp just in case the curious betta fish tries to make a snack out of them. Another important thing you need to remember is that you should take care of the tank’s requirement for both fish. They can get about 2-2 1/2 inches in length. Ghost Shrimp require little maintenance, are inexpensive, and will even help keep your tank clean! The longer answer is that sometimes it’ll actually be the fish harassing the snail and it depends on many variable factors. I've been considering adding 2-3 ghost shrimp to my betta's tank, because I've heard that they can be compatible with bettas in tanks as small as 1.5. They also have a transparent body, so bettas have a hard time seeing them. So the basic questions are: 1. is my tank big enough for a shrimp? Any betta fish, male or female, can live peacefully with non-aggressive fish that aren't colorful or look like them. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. The betta no. While not a fish, Ghost Shrimps can be a good alternative to consider to add to your Betta Fish tank. Betta fish usually prefer dense, live plants, particularly with a betta sorority. Ghost shrimp are inexpensive options you can use as a test. Are there any other kinds of shrimp which could possibly work with a Betta? i had 2 Betta's in their with a divider and i watched them my blue betta was dying from new tank syndrome but my white was fine. Let me talk about the six types of Shrimp Fish that can live with your Betta Fish! It's a 2.5 gallon, filtered and heated. Red cherry shrimp, Amano shrimp, ghost shrimp, bamboo shrimp, vampire shrimp, malawa shrimp, and the bumblebee shrimps can live with the betta fish. If your Betta is overly aggressive, you may find that ghost shrimp in your aquarium are just a tasty snack. I just bought some ghost shrimp today! Fortunately for all the fish lovers out there, yes, the betta fish can live peacefully with shrimp together. Shrimps can make great betta tank mates, but this depends on how aggressive your betta fish is and how tolerant it is of the shrimps. African Dwarf Frogs with Bettas; Betta fish with Ghost Shrimp; The Quick “what fish can live with betta fish” Checklist. As mentioned previously, ghost shrimp live for around a year, but this can vary depending on the individual and the place of origin. They can be found around paddy fields, rice paddies, and slow moving streams with plenty of vegetation. One of the most common tank mate questions we hear is in regards to betta fish. I also have 6 little active neon tetras that light up the tank and they swim in the middle. St Croix Rowing Club. For your first question, yes GS can live with guppies, platies, and tiger barbs - although, you may want to rethink your stocking choice if you don't already have this tank set up because you need more barbs because they school in large groups; if I were you, I would forget about getting a barb for such a small tank if you don't already have it. 2. do shrimp have any special requirements? It sounds cruel, but you are just contributing to the circle of life. Discussion Starter • #1 • Dec 15, 2016. I just want 1 or 2 ghost shrimp because I want a little bottom feeder. What shrimp can live with Betta fish? These scavengers like to hide among the debris on the bottom of your tank. Hi everyone, I'm currently thinking about breeding my betta's in my 36 gallon bowfront. I have a 5G tank with a nerite snail, a betta, and 5 ghost shrimp.

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